6 Reasons You Should Consider A Doula
Doulas are non-medical birth guides that help women and their partners achieve the kinds of births and first weeks they desire. Here's why you might want one.

5 Steps for a Body-Positive Pregnancy
Pregnancy is truly a time of metamorphosis, a transition from one phase of life to another. It takes time, patience, and self-compassion to navigate.

How to Set Up a Nursery on a Budget
Picking colors, decorating, filling up the room with furniture, and buying the cutest baby clothes are all fun, but you don’t have to break the bank doing it.

The 10 Worst Things About Being Pregnant in the Summer
It's never easy being super pregnant. Add sky high temps and enough humidity make you wonder if you're living inside a horse's mouth and it gets worse.

Science Confirms You Are a Different Person After Giving Birth
You likely knew it already, but once you've carried a person in your body for 9 entire months, you come out the other side a different person.

How to Advocate for Yourself in the Delivery Room
Birth is not going to go exactly as you had imagined, planned, or expected. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to be your own best advocate in the delivery room.

How to Dress for Those Weird Early Pregnancy Weeks
For that period of time when your pants are held together with a strategically looped hair tie.

How to Help Your Marriage Survive Infertility
Facing the real possibility of never conceiving or giving birth to biological children pushes some couples to their limits.

How to Feel More Confident During your Pregnancy
You deserve to be celebrated as you go through your pregnancy (by yourself and others). Here's how to nurture your comfort, well-being, and confidence.

The Best Ways to Buy Maternity Clothes on the Cheap
Just the term “buying maternity clothes” is enough to make the frugal-minded among us cringe. But it's totally possible to do it economically.

From Twilight Sleep to Push Presents: How Birth Has Changed Through the Decades
Since the dawn of time, the process of birth has evolved. But no period in history has seen such monumental change as we have in the last several decades.

This Is What Pregnancy After an Eating Disorder Looks Like
The active part of my eating disorder was many moons ago, but my recovery is ongoing. Especially when I'm faced with gaining 30 to 50 pounds in nine months.

Top 10 Items to Add To Your Baby Registry
Putting together a baby registry can be overwhelming. Which products do you actually need? Which ones should you avoid? Here's where to start.

An Open Letter to Preeclampsia
Sure, I would've preferred a nice hotel and massage, but three weeks on an intermittently-inflating bed and five AM blood draws were a close approximation.

I'm Not Ashamed I Took Antidepressants During Pregnancy
I was definitely a calmer and happier person as she entered the world. Although I was still somewhat depressed, I was much more prepared and confident.

5 Things You Should Know Before Taking a Paternity Leave
For one, it's not a “sadaddical."

My Pregnant Body: Confronting Shape, Race, and a New America
Being in a body that temporarily feels as though it's not my own, changing in ways that garner attention and judgement has given me new awareness of our world.

Why We’re Choosing to Have Our Baby in Mexico
We were (pleasantly) surprised by those two little lines, but we had no clue what we were going to do. Here's how we decided where we were going to have our baby.

Registry 101: Tips and Tricks for Creating Your Baby Registry
Most expecting parents agree that creating a baby registry is an important, yet overwhelming, part of the planning process. Here's where to start.

18 Brilliant Ways to Care For Your Pregnant Wife or Partner
My wife is pregnant now what? Pregnancy is, for many women, one of the most emotionally wrought and physically challenging experiences in life. Here are 18 ways to support your partner.

Surviving Pregnancy Without My ADHD Medication
When the day to day needs of ADHD medication are at odds with pregnancy, it can be a tough road to travel. One mother tells the story of her journey.

The Ultimate List of 100 Baby Names Inspired by Jane Austen
It's been 200 years since the English novelist Jane Austen died, but this list of names inspired by her work still feel classically fresh.

The Surprising Science of Dads in Pregnancy and Postpartum
Fathers have a huge impact biologically and emotionally through conception, pregnancy, and the postpartum period, but they are underserved in medical care.

Can a Feminist Have a Gender Reveal Party?
My son is already living in a world, and a state, that's determined to keep things binary. I won’t be another person who does the same.