
Top 10 Items to Add To Your Baby Registry

baby with teddy bear

Having a baby registry is a great way for friends and family members to support you and get you some of the basic needs and must-haves for your bundle of joy.

However, putting together a registry can be a little overwhelming. One look online and you’ll quickly find out there are tons of baby-related products out there. So, which ones do you need? Which ones should you avoid?

It can help to break things down into “groups,” rather than focusing on each individual item. It’s also a good idea to prioritize your needs over your wants when it comes to your registry, so it doesn’t get too big. With that in mind, let’s look at ten must-have items you should add to your baby registry before sharing it with people you love.

1. Bathing Gear

Not only do babies need regular baths, but it’s a special time between you and your little one. There’s nothing sweeter than a baby in a sink tub and nothing more precious than getting them warm and comfortable before bed.

You don’t need a ton of “gear” to keep your baby safe and happy during bath time, but some of the essentials include:

  • A baby tub
  • Washcloths and soft towels
  • Baby-safe shampoo and lotion
  • A few bath toys

Some babies like baths more than others, but the important thing is keeping them safe and comfortable. The list above will accomplish just that.

2. Furniture

As you prepare for your little one, you’re probably putting together a nursery, a playroom, or a special spot in your home for them. You’ll need to fill those spaces with furniture that is both functional and fashionable, including a crib, bassinet, rocking chair, and a changing table.

3. Home Upgrades

Most people might not consider home improvement items in their baby registry, but every situation is unique. If you’re an older parent or you have grandparents living with you, it’s worth it to consider some home modifications you can install for aging in place.

The safer you are, the safer your baby will be. That goes for grandparents in the home, too. Consider installing things like grab bars for toilets and tubs and extra lighting on staircases or dark areas of the home to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy.

4. Diapering

Changing a baby might not be everyone’s favorite activity, but it’s a necessary one. You can make things easier on yourself and more comfortable for your child by having the right diapering gear on hand at all times. Some of the most common diapering supplies to ask for on a registry include:

  • Cloth or disposable diapers
  • Baby wipes
  • Diaper rash cream
  • A diaper pail

Asking for a diaper bag can also be beneficial, as it will allow you to keep all of your baby’s supplies in one place when you have to leave the house.

5. Bedding

Providing a comfortable, relaxing space for your baby to sleep is essential. It will help them learn how to self-soothe faster, and you’ll be in for fewer sleepless nights. Some of the basics for baby bedding include crib sheets, a mobile, and a waterproof mattress cover for any “accidents” that might occur.

6. Feeding

Newborn babies typically need to eat every 2-3 hours. Even at four months old, your little one will eat about every four hours. Having the right gear and supplies on hand will make things less stressful for you and will help to ensure your child has what they need at all times. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need things like:

  • A breast pump
  • Breast milk bags
  • A nursing pillow
  • Nursing bras

If you’re choosing not to breastfeed, you’ll need things like bottles and bottle brushes, plus plenty of formula.

7. Medical Supplies

It can be tempting to stock your home with every baby-related over-the-counter item possible, but that may not be necessary. Having a few medical must-haves on hand will do the trick in keeping your baby safe and healthy. That includes things like saline nasal drops, rubbing alcohol pads, a thermometer, and eye drops. These will help you keep your baby's space free of irritants that could cause red eyes, itchiness, or spread disease.

8. Travel Items

You’re not going to be home with your little one 24/7. Whether you need to make a trip to the store, the doctor’s office, or just to visit family members, you’ll make things easier on yourself and more comfortable for your child if you have the right travel gear. That typically includes things like:

  • A stroller
  • A travel crib or “pack ‘n play”
  • An infant car seat
  • A portable changing pad

These basics will make it easier to go almost anywhere with your child, and get them used to being out of the house more often.

9. Clothes

Chances are, you’ll get an abundance of clothes from friends and family, whether you put any specifics on your registry or not. However, it’s important to cover your bases. People will get you clothes they think are cute, but there are some clothing essentials your baby will need that shouldn’t be ignored, including sleep sacks, burp cloths, hats, soft-soled baby shoes, and more.

Consider the climate you’re in and what each season brings to your area. In doing so, you’ll be prepared to dress your baby appropriately for almost any type of weather.

10. Playing and Learning

Even infants need stimulation. Babies learn from the moment they’re born, and by providing the right toys and tools, you’ll foster their imagination and sense of wonder from a very early age. Some of the best items for playtime include:

At the end of the day, your registry needs to be a reflection of what you really think you, your child, and everyone in your household will need to provide a safe, healthy, and loving environment. Keep these ideas in mind to get started, and you’ll have a registry that goes beyond the basics.

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