While the benefits of spending time outdoors are clear, it can be hard to come up with activities that everyone will enjoy. Here are ideas for family fun.
AA may be responsible for the popularity of the Serenity Prayer, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t perfect in other situations, like taking your kids camping.
We usually take our three-year-old camping for a weekend about half a dozen times every summer, so these 10 tips are rooted in our personal experiences.
With April Fools' Day coming, you might be considering how to pull one over on your kids. I've consulted with a few smart alecks to offer you these suggestions.
With the slow crawl of the cold season, the kids beg to stay curled up in front of the TV. But getting them outside is the key to staying sane. Here's how.
Whether you couldn’t find a sitter for New Year’s Eve or you don’t feel like heading out in the fray, you can still have a fun, kid-friendly celebration. Here's how.
Fostering solo play is vital to the growth and development of your little one - and even the clingiest of toddlers can do it. Here's how to get started.
There is much that nature can do for us all. The following are seven significant reasons to convince you to make more time for it with your whole family.
While you're busy fretting about advancing on the trail, the kids have found a bend in the river to explore. Consider the big picture: making a memory.
We’ve got a ton of fun crafts you can try, as well as some of the many reasons why getting your kids outside is one of the most important things you can do.
2,100 miles in an automobile with two kids might sound like a nightmare. But with a hearty sense of adventure (and humor) it could be the best trip ever.
When adults play they are able to let go of daily stresses and be present in the moment, if only briefly. Playing with our kids can be excellent medicine.