young girl hold fortune cookies

Celebrating My Family's Chinese-American New Year

by ParentCo.

Chinese New Year is a time of great celebration. It’s also a time when American Chinese families face the challenge of holding onto traditions as time passes from one generation to the next.

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Why Sugar Coating the History of Slavery Is a Bad Idea If We Want to Empower Our Kids

by ParentCo.

If our kids don’t know what happened in the past, how will they ever work towards a better future and ensure that we never go back to those dark times?

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child looking at foot print on snow ground , traffic light

The Importance of Children's Books That Reflect Diversity

by ParentCo.

If my child's books contain only white people, what lesson does that teach about what the world looks like?

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Two children are reading books in a school

The Bipartisan Growth of Homeschooling

by ParentCo.

Homeschooling in the United States continues to grow exponentially, but it's not just religious conservatives leading the expansion.

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Coretta Scott King

9 Women of Color Who Made History

by ParentCo.

Reflecting on women of color who paved the way for young women like me is vital to appreciating where we once were as a nation, where we are now, and where we are heading.

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woman and child hugging on a couch

My New Year's Resolution: Asking My Kids to Forgive Me

by ParentCo.

It’s the New Year, and I have been doing a lot of thinking. I want to say, with all of my heart and all of my soul, that I am sorry. I want apologize for anything (and everything) I have said or done that made you feel less-than or sad or small.

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multiethnic women

My Resolution is My Feminist Manifesto

by ParentCo.

Because of all this, and so much more ... I resolve to stay the course set out by our courageous foremothers who fought pointedly, persistently for equality. I'm a woman raising a daughter in a world that values her more for her bone structure than her brain. This is my resolution. This is my feminist manifesto.

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let is go written in wooden blocks

4 Sources of Mom Guilt I'm Letting Go of This Year

by ParentCo.

This year I am resolving, with a twist. There will be no diet, exercise, less swearing and drinking, "more church" kind of resolutions. This year I'm simply letting go of the things that are just not productive nor conducive to my life. This is the year I give up several of my hard-earned mom-related titles.

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woman reading a book

The Call of the "By the Time I'm 40" List

by ParentCo.

We all have one. The list. A list of dreams and goals that we hope to have accomplished by the time we are 40.

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woman sitting in chair

The Best 2022 Resolution: More of Less

by ParentCo.

January 1st, 2022: My resolution is to incorporate less instead of eliminating more. I’ll be on high alert for things that delight me and invite me to be at the moment.

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two young woman having a glass of champagne

I Met My Best Friend in My 30's

by ParentCo.

When my son was one month into his NICU resort stay, I met the woman who would become my best friend. I met her on the worst day of my life.

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Two girls lying on grass looking at sky

Why It's Up to Me to Teach My White Kids That Black Lives Matter

by ParentCo.

The burden of racism weighs heavily on our country. I could simply tell my children, everyone is equal, but little good would come of it.

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sun's rays fall on the boy's face inside a dark room

How Long Does the Pain of Bullying Last?

by ParentCo.

Bullying can have long term impact on mental health. These days parents don’t just have to watch for traditional bullying such as physical violence, taunts and social exclusion, we also have to monitor for cyber-bullying. If bullying happens, how can you help?

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family walking on the street

Want to Be Happier This Year? Learn Your Tendency

by ParentCo.

Knowing our tendency can impact how we parent, how we interact with others, and how much grace we offer ourselves.

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childern drawing

Teaching Kids How to Goal Set With New Year’s Resolutions

by ParentCo.

Surround yourself and your kids with piles of magazines and update vision boards for the fresh, new year to come.  If nothing else came from this evening together, we exercised our creativity and bonded while reenacting some of the over-the-top advertisements we came across.

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Have a Newborn? Good Luck Trying to Remember Things

by Julie Vick

The only good thing about the sleepless infant days is that eventually they're over.

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young girl happy in bed with white sheets

Why learning how to be adaptable is more important for kids than ever

by Emily Glover

If you had asked someone this time last year to explain “social distancing,” what would they have said? As we all know, adults weren’t the only ones who had to make adjustments when the pandemic began: Kids around the world were thrust into remote schooling situations, moved playdates exclusively to video calls, and were encouraged to wear face masks in public.

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couple relaxing with cat

Quebec City: a Babymoon With Parisian Charm Without the Cross-Atlantic Haul

by ParentCo.

Many women dream of taking a babymoon to Paris. But a transatlantic flight and a high price tag aren't always ideal. Enter Quebec City. The best reason why Quebec City is a top babymoon destination: Its must-see list isn’t overwhelming. If you’re there for a few days, there’s no reason you can’t justify a late afternoon nap.

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dad with young kids

The 6 Biggest Lies I Believed Before Having Kids

by Nina Palmo

Just about all of us had a few wrong ideas about raising kids before we became parents ourselves. Some of these ideas might have been based on our own wacky ideas of how we would do things differently than everyone else. Other ideas we take for granted as new parents, only to realize later how laughable the idea was. 

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man and baby very close together

I Wouldn’t Wish Labor Pains on My Worst Enemy, But I Would on My Husband

by ParentCo.

I wouldn’t wish labor pains on my worst enemy. But I would wish them on my husband. Without the benefit of actual experience, it’s impossible to develop the true understanding that empathy requires.

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family walking in a park

8 Psychologist-Backed Tips for Improving Communication with Kids

by ParentCo.

When you communicate well with your child, it leads to a strong relationship, greater cooperation, and feelings of worth. When communication is a struggle, it can lead to your child switching off, conflict, and feelings of worthlessness.These expert tips can help.

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young mom looking into babies eyes

Why I'm Tired of the Unsolicited "Just Wait Until" Parenting Tips

by ParentCo.

I understand that for the most part, people mean well. So usually these "let me warn you" statements are intended to either commiserate slightly over the difficulties that all parents go through, or to give you a friendly bit of advice over what you can come to expect. What ever happened to the old adage that if you don’t have anything good to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all? 

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woman in bed

How to Get Through Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Even if You're Not a Duchess)

by ParentCo.

It takes a certain amount of guts (sorry) to face down Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) a third time, as the Duchess of Cambridge announced she’s doing. The condition, which affects 1 percent of pregnant woman, can make you vomit more than 40 times a day. There's morning sickness, then there's HVG. If your pregnancy related vomiting is excessive, read on.

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kids in backseat of a car

6 Educational and Mess-Free Activities That Entertain Traveling Kids

by ParentCo.

While traveling long distances is not a part of every family's summer plans, for some families who live far away from grandparents and extended family, this is peak travel season. A useful, thrifty guide to activities and apps that help keep young kids entertained on long trips.

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