
Katelyn Denning

Katelyn Denning is a life coach for busy, working moms who are tired of feeling like life is just one long to-do list. After spending more than a decade in the corporate world as a full-time working mom of 3 young children, ages 8, 6, and 4, Katelyn understands what it’s like to juggle all of the different roles and responsibilities as a mom, professional, and woman. Through her coaching, she helps women feel confident in their identity as a working mom, figure out their priorities in life, and make the most of their time so they can be more present - with their family, in their work, and in their lives.

Katelyn lives with her family in Cincinnati, Ohio. And while her “me time” doesn’t look the same as it did before kids, she still finds time to read, garden, workout, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.

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