10 Science-Backed Reasons You Shouldn't Work Out to Lose Weight

by ParentCo. February 03, 2017

Top view of young women swimming in pool wearing goggles

Take a guess at the number one reason people exercise.

To lose weight, of course. We all know that.

Unfortunately, we also know that the majority don’t keep it up and don’t reach their goals. They start out strong at the beginning of a new year with big resolutions, but fizzle out from boredom, loss of motivation, overtraining, or lack of results. (Sound familiar?)

The truth is, those who keep up a regular fitness routine in the long run are motivated by things other than weight loss – and they’re healthier overall as a result. Losing weight is just a side effect, really.

It’s time to STOP exercising because you HAVE to just to lose weight. It’s time to broaden your view and value how it makes you feel and the positive effect it has on all aspects of life – not just your waist line.

Here are 10 solid science-backed benefits of exercise (that don’t include weight loss):

Relieves stress

You can’t avoid stress. The only way to improve it is to manage it. And there’s nothing like a good sweat session to release frustration, anger, and tension. Bonus: It helps prevent stress eating, too. Besides that awesome one-healthy-habit-tends-to-lead-to-more effect, a recent study shows that high-intensity workouts affect hunger hormones and lead to decreased food cravings.

Helps you sleep better

It is well documented that regular moderate exercise helps you sleep better. It helps regulate daily and nightly rhythms and reduces stress, leading to improvement in both sleep time and quality. In fact, exercise is a great natural remedy for insomnia. The National Sleep Foundation reports that those who get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week experience 65 percent better sleep quality. And check out what awesome things happen when you get better sleep! Consistent long-term sleep improvement is only realized when you continue an exercise routine for at least 16 weeks. So get on it and stick to it.

Gives you energy

It seems counterintuitive. You’re so tired already, how are you going to muster up the energy for a workout? But in reality, a brisk sweat session can actually be invigorating. A blast of feel-good endorphins will do wonders for your energy level and overall mood. Exercise also serves as an effective therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s simple. Your body was meant to move. Give it what it craves!

Makes you smarter

Fact: Exercise boosts both short- and long-term cognitive function. The CARDIA study found that higher fitness levels are associated with better executive function, verbal memory, thinking skills, and psychomotor speed. Even one 20-minute burst before an exam can improve scores. Exercise causes positive changes in the brain that help attention span, focus, and memory. A 2012 study found that the exam performance boost best occurs with a regular routine, plus a pre-test workout session.

Helps prevent cognitive decline

Those brain benefits extend into late life as well. Exercise is fast becoming an effective therapy for dementia and Alzheimer’s as research has found that it slows the decline in cognitive function. Older adults who follow a regular exercise program demonstrate better thinking skills. Focusing on strength training in particular can improve memory and stave off symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Boosts immunity

Getting adequate exercise reduces your chances of developing many illnesses and diseases, from heart disease to diabetes to osteoporosis and many others. Regular exercise has even become an important therapy for boosting immune function in cancer patients. But did you know that a regular fitness routine also helps defend against infections, like the common cold and flu? The fitter you are, the less likely you are to suffer seasonal sickness – up to 43 percent less likely, according to one study. And if you do get sick, it’ll be less severe.

Makes you happy

The stress relief and endorphin release from exercise can help fight depression and anxiety. Long-term exercise has been proven comparable to psychotherapy and drug therapy. Not only can it help improve a bad case of blues, but a continued routine can prevent further episodes. Exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling down and out. But once you get over that hump and get in the habit, you can’t imagine life without it.

Boosts confidence

No surprises here. With a better mood, more energy, and reduced stress along with increased strength, speed, and resulting fat loss, your sense of self-esteem will most certainly improve. You’ll feel good about your body, your outlook, your future, and your goals. The positive effects tend to bleed into all areas of your life!

Fights addiction

If you have a habit of turning to unhealthy habits (like alcohol, smoking, drugs, or binge eating), a fitness habit could be just the thing to help you. The stress release, confidence boost, and natural high you get from a workout strengthen addiction treatment. All the positive changes in the brain lessen your cravings for harmful substances. Why not replace a bad habit with a healthy one? “Runner’s high” is a real and beautiful thing. Go chase that!

Improves work performance

By now it’s obvious – exercising makes you a better everything, including a better employee. Obesity is associated with poorer work performance and more missed days, while maintaining a fitness routine builds determination and strength, thus improving your ability to meet and exceed work demands. With a regular exercise regimen, you’ll be more focused and productive and likely take fewer sick days – a major bonus for any boss. This also applies to your ultimate job of taking care of your kids and household. Hello, Supermom!

Now that you’re motivated to get those workouts in, remember that moderation is still important. You can’t reap the many benefits of exercise if you overdo it. Overtraining, in fact, can have the opposite effect, leaving you tired, moody, and depressed. Exercise should be something you enjoy, not dread.

This post originally appeared on Fit Mix Mom.



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