How to Help Your Kid Survive the Wild... Indoors (A Minecraft Story)

by ParentCo.

Minecraft as my son plays it is the wild west. It's a melting pot and playground rolled into one. The incredible developmental social aspects fascinate me.

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Ashima Shiraishi: Rock-climbing Girl Wonder

by ParentCo.

Ashima Shiraishi is rocking the world. Of rockclimbing, that is. The New York native is widely regarded as the best female climber in the world. And she's only 14.

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What We Need and What We Let Go

by ParentCo.

For 2016, we've found a new routine: taking some time to evaluate what we need and what we want to hold onto.

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10 Big Ideas That Will Inspire and Challenge Parents in 2016

by ParentCo.

Based on data from our site, Google Trends, and sentiment research, here are the topics that will dominate parenting headlines and newsfeeds in 2016.

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Issue #4: Winter Lights

by ParentCo.

It's the darkest time of year outside, but everywhere I look I see glittering Christmas lights, candles, and bright windows in cozy homes full of friends and family.

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Bring the Scandinavian Festival of Lights Into Your Home

by ParentCo.

Nestled in the snow-laden pines of the Nordic is a house enveloped in darkness. Inside, a family sleeps. Mother rises first.

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Towing My Father and Garuda Across the Sea

by ParentCo.

I brace myself for the crash. The sound is like an oak tree falling over into a lake, and Garuda's fiberglass hull curls forward and opens up.

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What Stand Up Comedy Taught Me About Dysfunction

by ParentCo.

The only thing that dictates who you are is how you tell your story. And sometimes the best way to tell it is with comedy.

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No Short Cuts

by ParentCo.

What it took to slow down the least patient women I know - my mother.

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3 Times My Mother’s Crazy Fierce Love Saved Us: An Incomplete List

by ParentCo.

"I was embarrassed by what I saw in their expressions: that I was only a dumb little kid riding a dumb little toy. But then, I thought of my mama."

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My Grandfather’s Name Was Al Capone

by ParentCo.

Sheer coincidence, but he was known to pack quite the punch. Needless to say, I didn’t have the best examples of where my Italian roots sprouted.

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Teaching Kids to Give Thanks Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Them

by ParentCo.

Research shows that expressing thanks has incredible outcomes for health, happiness, and productivity. Fortunately, there are many simple ways that you can instill gratitude in your kids.

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Lessons in Zen From My Six Year Old

by ParentCo.

From California to Bali to Vermont, gradually learning to worry less and focus instead on the promise of what’s to come.

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White Woman Writes Yoga Essay

by ParentCo.

"By the time class started, I was already miserable. I wanted a popsicle. I wanted a margarita. Mostly, I wanted the class to be over."

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How Star Wars Became The New Family Tradition

by ParentCo.

The torch passes to another generation.

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From Freelance Mom to Prize Winning Author

by ParentCo.

Angela Palm won the coveted Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prize after she reimagined her life. Here's how she did it.

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Staring Into the Abyss Without the Bandaid of Booze

by ParentCo.

A powerfully honest story from a mother who found the courage to quit drinking while teaching in the Middle East.

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Laura Veirs Talks Motherhood, Music, And What's Next

by ParentCo.

"The most important thing to is to carve out some time for yourself," says singer-songwriter Laura Veirs as we chat about making music while raising kids.

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A "Wild" Parenting Message: "Where the Wild Things Are"

by ParentCo.

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The Real Hero of the "Corduroy" Book Is the Mother

by ParentCo.

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woman on blanket  with toes in the sun

A Lazy Parent’s Guide to Summer

by ParentCo.

It’s summer: the days are long but I don’t want spend any of those extra hours chopping or washing stuff. So I have a whole different set of summer rules.

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painting of a child and person looking a black circle that is smiling

Why we love Ello (and the truth about advertising on Facebook)

by ParentCo.

We love Ello, the ad-free social network defined by excellent design and fierce, user-centered values. Here's why it's a better publishing experience for our company, and why expect it to become our primary social network.

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painting of a women and man in white with an orange background

For Sa and Paul Budnitz, it's about connection before direction in a shared context

by ParentCo.

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Punk pioneer Bobby Hackney

Punk pioneer Bobby Hackney on his "family rich in memories, and laughter, and love"

by ParentCo.

We chat with Bobby Hackney of the legendary punk band Death about his family across generations, faith, and musical legacy.

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