Sesame Street Venture Capital Group Aims to Help Shape the Future of Tech for Kids

by ParentCo.

Sesame Street's parent organization launched a venture capital arm that aims to influence the future of tech for kids.

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Embrace Your Breakdown - It Might Be The Best Thing For You

by ParentCo.

This great "Sanity of Madness" video from The School of Life reminds us how "breakdowns" can force us to course-correct.

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What Taylor Swift’s Instagram Tells Us About Success in 2016

by ParentCo.

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Crazy Russian Hacker is Your New Favorite Science Guy

by ParentCo.

In 2012, Taras Kulokov started his YouTube channel, Crazy Russian Hacker. Since then, he's uploaded more than 400 videos with nearly 800 million views.

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“Inside Out” vs “World of Tomorrow”

by ParentCo.

While the respective packaging of the two films is worlds apart, their similarities run deep.

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You Can Now Visit the Guggenheim Without Leaving Home

by ParentCo.

Got cabin fever? Stuck at work? Take a trip to the iconic Guggenheim Museum right now!

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The All Of It All

by ParentCo.

There will never be a time when I stand on my mountain of “all” and declare it conquered. Instead I will gulp in anticipation of how to proceed.

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Lost Beatrix Potter Story Discovered, Set for Release September 2016

by ParentCo.

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10 Things I Learned About Parenting From Surviving An Avalanche

by ParentCo.

The sensation, the sound — it was exactly what had been described in avalanche class. It’s the mountain’s way of saying it's about to get real.

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Syrian Children Playing in the Snow Will Melt Your Frozen Heart

by ParentCo.

If these Syrian children can enjoy the snow, you can too.

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7 Awesome Dadstagrams to Follow ASAP

by ParentCo.

Our kids are going to be so confused why all our photos look they were taken by vintage cameras in the 1970's.

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Books for Kids That Celebrate Getting Outside in the Winter

by ParentCo.

This week's selections include First Snow, The Snowy Day, and Toys Meet Snow for kids aged 4 - 8.

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In Our Busy Lives, the Little Moments Mean the Most

by ParentCo.

If only it was always simple to stop everything and just connect with my daughter. This amazing child who evokes so many feelings - namely astonishment.

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How MLK's Parents Nurtured His Mind, Faith and Courage

by ParentCo.

Martin Luther King, Jr's parents had a huge influence on his thinking and social consciousness.

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MLK Quotes to Raise Children By

by ParentCo.

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How to Help Your Kid Survive the Wild... Indoors (A Minecraft Story)

by ParentCo.

Minecraft as my son plays it is the wild west. It's a melting pot and playground rolled into one. The incredible developmental social aspects fascinate me.

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Ashima Shiraishi: Rock-climbing Girl Wonder

by ParentCo.

Ashima Shiraishi is rocking the world. Of rockclimbing, that is. The New York native is widely regarded as the best female climber in the world. And she's only 14.

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What We Need and What We Let Go

by ParentCo.

For 2016, we've found a new routine: taking some time to evaluate what we need and what we want to hold onto.

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10 Big Ideas That Will Inspire and Challenge Parents in 2016

by ParentCo.

Based on data from our site, Google Trends, and sentiment research, here are the topics that will dominate parenting headlines and newsfeeds in 2016.

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Issue #4: Winter Lights

by ParentCo.

It's the darkest time of year outside, but everywhere I look I see glittering Christmas lights, candles, and bright windows in cozy homes full of friends and family.

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Bring the Scandinavian Festival of Lights Into Your Home

by ParentCo.

Nestled in the snow-laden pines of the Nordic is a house enveloped in darkness. Inside, a family sleeps. Mother rises first.

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Towing My Father and Garuda Across the Sea

by ParentCo.

I brace myself for the crash. The sound is like an oak tree falling over into a lake, and Garuda's fiberglass hull curls forward and opens up.

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What Stand Up Comedy Taught Me About Dysfunction

by ParentCo.

The only thing that dictates who you are is how you tell your story. And sometimes the best way to tell it is with comedy.

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No Short Cuts

by ParentCo.

What it took to slow down the least patient women I know - my mother.

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