woman running in the snow in the country

Why Time Apart Might Be the Perfect Marriage Elixir

by Pam Moore

Though it seems counter-intuitive, one of the best things you can do for your marriage is to step away from it, regularly and intentionally.

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kids on a couch and floor all looking at their phones

Is Technology Squashing Our Kids’ Critical Thinking Skills?

by ParentCo.

How will kids ever learn to retain information and connect the dots if technology rapidly provides all the answers?

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three pairs of feet out of the tun

Sol-Mi and the Little Songs That Are Important for Kids' Development

by ParentCo.

The sol-mi interval is found in many nursery rhymes and singing games. These little songs are important and can foster a lifelong love of music.

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baby looking at a dog

My Dog Is Potty Training My Daughter

by ParentCo.

My daughter has been much more interested in the bathroom use of our Boston Terrier, Judith Weiland, than anyone else in our home.

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boy playing with sudds in the kitchen

The Frustrating Zen of Cleaning With a Toddler

by ParentCo.

That feeling that there is always more to do – that is a permanent state. May as well embrace it.

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for men's shows looking at 1 female shoe

Why Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique" Still Inspires

by ParentCo.

Betty Friedan explored identity and motherhood in her society-changing book, “The Feminine Mystique,” published in 1963. 55 years later, it still resonates.

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women with red har from the back

12 Ways to Prepare for Motherhood So You Don't Totally Lose It

by ParentCo.

Here's a list of things you can practice before you birth your baby so that you maintain a sense of self when you're suddenly alone with a newborn all day.

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yarlap bladder control products

Yarlap | Bladder Control Products

by ParentCo.

Yarlap is designed specifically for women to reestablish pelvic floor muscle control and reclaim their bodies by treating the cause, not the symptoms.

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mom in bed looking at her baby

Why Those Baby Snuggles May Be More Important Than You Think

by ParentCo.

Physical contact between infants and their caregivers can even affect children at the molecular level – an impact that’s detectable four years later.

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young girl looking at books

Take Your Child to a Bookstore, and Build the Future

by ParentCo.

Across the U.S., bookstores set aside the first Saturday in December to celebrate the magic that happens when every kid has a book to read.

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8 Parenting Lessons From the Dutch on Raising Happy and Resilient Kids

by ParentCo.

Each culture has its own unique strengths and beautiful ways of living life, and parenting is no exception.

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family playing video games

Could Attention Seeking Be Connection Seeking?

by ParentCo.

The term "attention seeking" generally refers to unwanted and demanding behaviors. When children seek attention, they are seeking connection and validation.

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young girl baking mess

Want to Raise a Capable, Independent Kid? Say Yes to the Mess

by ParentCo.

Giving your kid free reign of the kitchen may mean spilled milk, dropped eggs and a few mini-catastrophes. But it's well worth the mess.

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man with child on shoulders

How Janet Lansbury Made Me a Confident Father

by Clay Pearn

From Janet Lansbury's books, to blogs, to podcasts, I've found her to be my best parenting resource.

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woman with back to camera at a desk

Dear Teacher: Please Just Give My Kid What She Deserves

by ParentCo.

Teachers, please don’t be afraid of raising your standards and expectations. Our kids are capable of more than you are asking for.

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writing a with a pen on a notebook

Gratitude's Flip Side: How to Follow Up When a Professional Lets You Down

by ParentCo.

How do people in positions of authority know when their judgments or actions harm others unless the consequences result in litigation?

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teacher with entire class cheering their hands

The Last Vermonter in Beirut

by ParentCo.

I'm not sure if he knew it, but this American gentleman saved the lives of many young people in Beirut, including mine.

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3 Companies That Are Carving Space for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

by ParentCo.

There are a few up-and-coming companies that gear themselves to the needs of autistic adults.

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girl with hands in the air mom and dad holding her

Does Conflict in Your Home Really Matter? What the Latest Research Says

by ParentCo.

A recent study of toddlers aged 14 to 36 months focused on the impact of family conflict on parent-child interactions.

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elf on a shelf

Why Elf on the Shelf is Worth the Hassle

by ParentCo.

The beauty of the Elf is that he's instilling a sense of tradition and offering an opportunity for many families to bond over something during the holidays.

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woman with different topis above her head

What is the Four Burners Theory and Can Anyone Actually Make it Work?

by ParentCo.

We all have four burners: family, friends, health, and career. Must we choose to turn one burner off to keep the others successfully lit?

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two kids in a shopping cart with a woman pushing the cart

Angels Do Exist (at the Grocery Store)

by ParentCo.

We made eye contact and exchanged a smile. She didn’t have to mention she was a mom. I knew the moment I saw her that she really saw me.

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Why My Son’s Fear of Failure Terrifies Me, and What I’m Doing About It

by ParentCo.

This is what I want for my kids: that they believe in themselves, push past their fears, and never feel afraid of making mistakes (if that’s even possible).

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boy playing with rubber duckies in bathtub

6 Ways to Find Happiness and Survive the Shortest Days of the Year

by ParentCo.

A few ways to still enjoy evening family time, get some exercise, and forget our its-dark-way-too-early-blues.

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