A girl is listening to music

What We’re Listening To: "By the Book" Podcast

by ParentCo.

Each week we suggest a new podcast to add to your playlist. Up this week: the half reality show, half self-help podcast "By the Book."

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What My Facebook Feed Taught Me About Myself

by ParentCo.

I’m worn out from being told how to be better, do more, and be less me. The truth is this isn’t about the Facebook feed at all.

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Two girls hugging and crying

The Sting of Being the Uninvited 

by ParentCo.

Doesn’t everyone know what that feels like, some personal version of Annie and the birthday non-invitation heard round the world?

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Girl holding her hands on her face

If Everything is Impermanent, Let's Rest Assured the Effort Remains

by ParentCo.

All I had wanted was to do something that would last. But that’s how it is with motherhood, isn’t it?

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A baby is eating

5 Unique Alternatives to Baby Books (That Won’t Make You Feel Like a Failure)

by Pam Moore

In the age of the smartphone, many parents are finding the traditional baby book just doesn’t make sense.

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Two girls sitting in a sofa with cups ,tab and books placed on a table

Making Friends at 40 (Because We Need Them More Than Ever)

by ParentCo.

I couldn’t explain how afraid I was of new people and this new place. The fact was, I didn’t know how to make friends and I was terrified.

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Two girls are playing with mobile

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Put a Mobile Spy on Your Kid’s Cell Phone

by ParentCo.

Before you fall for a company’s “You MUST monitor your child’s cell phone” scare tactic, consider these things.

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Swaddler diapers

Swado | Baby Swaddles

by ParentCo.

Not all swaddles are created equal and Swado has just set the bar. It uses self-adhering technology to eliminate the noise of velcro, holding just as strong

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A woman is thinking by closing eyes

What to Expect When Your Ovaries Decide You’re Done Expecting

by ParentCo.

Here are the most common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause you can expect:

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A father and a mother sleeping with thier kids in a room

Your Parenting Style Needs a Makeover

by ParentCo.

The problem of parenting styles isn't that any style is right or wrong, it's that in our adherence to them we forget style is massively subjective.

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Group of mother carrying their babies backside and standing infront of ocean

To Every Exhausted Mom out There, This Is All You Have to Do

by ParentCo.

Instead of doing all of these things in an attempt to satiate ourselves, we just have one thing to do, that’s to show up.

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A child is sleeping on top of a ice burg with full of snow fallen

How to Help Kids Cope With Post-Christmas Letdown

by ParentCo.

When the morning of December 25th arrives, it’s seemingly gone in an instant, often leaving children with a post-holiday letdown.

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A child is playing with socks

Why Every Home Needs a Family Sock Basket

by ParentCo.

They're never matched up anymore, and the goal is no longer to find a perfect matching pair, but simply two socks that match just enough.

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A chinese girl reading book by scartching her head

A Cause of Reading and Writing Struggles You May be Overlooking

by ParentCo.

According to new research, one of the earliest warning signs of hearing impairment might be when a child struggles to read or write.

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A mother is showing candlelight to her baby

Everything Looks Better by Candlelight

by ParentCo.

Now that I'm a mother in my late 30s, it seems my own mortality and the ridiculously-accelerated passage of time is shoved in my face every five seconds.

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An illusion guy removing root brain of an image

Noticing, Understanding, and Getting to the Root of Our Triggers

by ParentCo.

Once we began to understand the triggers that arise from our own childhood and how our kids push our “buttons,” we can respond appropriately.

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Two girls Going for an adventurous

When All I See Are Snakes

by ParentCo.

Where is the balance between protection and paranoia, between caution and completely shutting down?

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A Guy and child is brushing infront of mirror

Be a Leader Not a Boss

by ParentCo.

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Different sizes of innerwear collection

“Boy” Underwear Is the Best Underwear

by ParentCo.

There's no physical need for the variance in young kids' underwear sizes. Might there be a benefit to styling all kids' underwear the same way?

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They're Their Milestones, Not Ours

They're Their Milestones, Not Ours

by ParentCo.

Time and again we’re presented with a measuring stick, and sometimes our child simply doesn’t measure up.

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Family sitting on a sea shore

A Letter to My Future Self

by ParentCo.

My daughter had an assignment at school recently to write a letter to herself, and the teacher will send it to her when she graduates high school. 

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Baby playing on floor

First Year of Motherhood: Lonely. Scary. Silly.

by ParentCo.

It’s a common tableau. We are two women – she’s a mom and I’m a grandmother – watching the children in our care playing in the ball pit at a toddler gym program.

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How MAC's Ruby Woo Lipstick Saved the Day

by ParentCo.

As I burst into his room, I half expected to be saving my child from immediate death. Instead, Ry was naked and playing with his diaper, glaring at me from his bed. There was poop smeared all over his bed.

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It's Okay to Let Your Partner Be Their Own Parent

by ParentCo.

There is seldom a right and wrong way of doing things. The spectrum is wide and there's often plenty of room for grace.

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