The Benefits of Screen Time for Kids: A Look at the Data

by ParentCo.

The risks of excessive screen time are studied and documented. But what about the rewards?

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Mama Elephant Protects Baby Elephant from Stranger Danger

by ParentCo.

Mama elephant pulls her baby away from tourists, reminding the little one never to talk to strangers.

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Creativity, Curiosity and the Tiger Mom

by ParentCo.

Kids need space to cultivate their own curiosity. But is there a case to be made for instilling the Tiger Mom ethic at the same time?

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Afghan Boy Wearing Plastic Bag Messi Jersey Will Meet His Hero

by ParentCo.

The five year old Afghan boy who stole the Internet's heart last month wearing a Lionel Messi jersey fashioned from a plastic bag will meet his hero.

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Sesame Street Venture Capital Group Aims to Help Shape the Future of Tech for Kids

by ParentCo.

Sesame Street's parent organization launched a venture capital arm that aims to influence the future of tech for kids.

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Embrace Your Breakdown - It Might Be The Best Thing For You

by ParentCo.

This great "Sanity of Madness" video from The School of Life reminds us how "breakdowns" can force us to course-correct.

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Think You're Sharing Safely On Instagram? Maybe Not.

by ParentCo.

I consider myself among the tech-savvier of my friends. Yet, I had no idea until recently that hundreds of photos I'd shared on Instagram had essentially converged to form a heat map of my most frequented haunts. The top hit? (Wait for it...) My house.

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Review: The Tea Party in the Woods, by Akiko Miyakoshi

by ParentCo.

There’s one book that you should keep your eyes out for this winter: The Tea Party in the Woods, by Akiko Miyakoshi. It’s a wonderful, heartfelt story

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What Taylor Swift’s Instagram Tells Us About Success in 2016

by ParentCo.

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Crazy Russian Hacker is Your New Favorite Science Guy

by ParentCo.

In 2012, Taras Kulokov started his YouTube channel, Crazy Russian Hacker. Since then, he's uploaded more than 400 videos with nearly 800 million views.

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“Inside Out” vs “World of Tomorrow”

by ParentCo.

While the respective packaging of the two films is worlds apart, their similarities run deep.

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30 Years Ago Today the Space Shuttle Challenger Exploded Before the Eyes of a Nation

by ParentCo.

Not more than a minute after launch, just ten miles above earth, space shuttle Challenger exploded before the eyes of a nation, killing everyone on board.

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Show Your Kids This Video and They'll Never Argue About Brushing Their Teeth Again

by ParentCo.

Want to put an end to the toothbrushing battle? Show your kids this Gross Science video.

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New Lego Set to Include Minifig with Disability and Assistance Dog

by ParentCo.

Lego confirms that a new set due out this year, Fun in the Park, includes a young man in a wheelchair and his assistance dog.

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The Free Time My Husband Doesn’t Realize He Has

by ParentCo.

My husband could definitely use more free time. But from my POV as a stay at home mom, I'm not sure he knows how much free time he really gets.

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Quiz: Do You Know Which Foods Need to be Refrigerated?

by ParentCo.

To refrigerate or not to refrigerate, that is the question.

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Study Shows Controlling Parents Raise Mean Kids

by ParentCo.

A new study from the University Of Vermont shows that parents who control their children through manipulation raise kids who are mean.

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Watch What Happens When You Combine Skateboarding, Color Run, and Slow Motion

by ParentCo.

Darron Dyk's slow motion cinematography is spectacular. It's art, science, and kid friendly. Save this for Friday night screen time.

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Treating ADHD with Exploration, Adventure, and Exercise

by ParentCo.

Like exercise, exploration and adventure are non-traditional, non-medicinal ways to help kids harness the power of their ADHD.

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Interview With Entrepreneur and Water Rights Advocate Jenneth Fleckenstein

by ParentCo.

An interview with Jenneth Fleckenstein of Clear Water Filtration about healthy home water and her advocacy work for clean water in Honduras and Haiti.

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You Can Now Visit the Guggenheim Without Leaving Home

by ParentCo.

Got cabin fever? Stuck at work? Take a trip to the iconic Guggenheim Museum right now!

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The Benefits of "Because I Said So"

by Carrie Howe

I begin this post with an apology to my mother for the millions of times the words “I don’t want to” came out of my mouth.

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The All Of It All

by ParentCo.

There will never be a time when I stand on my mountain of “all” and declare it conquered. Instead I will gulp in anticipation of how to proceed.

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Lost Beatrix Potter Story Discovered, Set for Release September 2016

by ParentCo.

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