What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night: A Conversation with Creators Susan and Refe Tuma

by ParentCo.

Parent Co. caught up with the creative parents behind the popular Dinovember books to hear what they had to say about living the Dinovember life.

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by ParentCo.

The false confidence in September that you could make through the winter without going somewhere warm.

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The Big Empty Cardboard Box

by ParentCo.

My son was asking to play on an iPad. Instead, I brought a big empty box upstairs, and plunked it down in the living room.

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PBS to Launch New 24 Hour Streaming Network for Kids

by ParentCo.

Just like grownups, kids now watch their favorite shows when and where they want them - not necessarily when they were originally programmed.

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My Kids Make Me Cry

by Kimberly Yavorski

I was not always a crier. But parenting brings out raw emotion, and now I cry at almost anything.

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via The Atlantic: "The Dangers of Using a Sticker Chart to Teach Kids Good Behavior"

by ParentCo.

The problem with sticker charts and similar reward systems is that they work too well, creating negative and unintended long-term consequences.

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What to Say to Parents of Very Sick and Terminally Ill Children

by Geraldine Renton

The mother of a boy with Hunter Syndrome (a terminal condition), says to always put the person before the disability, illness, or tragedy.

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How I Got Fired From My Job For Being a Mom

by ParentCo.

I was fired for speaking my mind about my needs as a new mom. I was a working mom in a place where moms are not the preferred employees.

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The One Where We Learned Life Lessons from "Friends"

by ParentCo.

Over the course of a decade, the cast of Friends not only made us laugh, they taught us valuable life lessons along the way. Take a look.

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Dear Moms, We Are Dropping Serious Cash on Toys

by ParentCo.

This year, the smart/connected toy market will hit 2.8 billion. Toymakers can thank moms for that. Here's what we buy and how we buy it.

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Thank You, Harper Lee

by ParentCo.

Thank you, Harper Lee. She leaves an amazing legacy for us, and the millions of kids who read "To Kill a Mockingbird" every year.

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Teaching Bystander Empathy is Most Effective Anti-Bullying Program

by ParentCo.

Study shows that if we want to effectively reduce bullying, we need to teach the bystanders to be empathetic.

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“You think it can’t happen here. Let me tell you a story about ‘here’.”

by ParentCo.

"R U OK?," he asked. "I love U guys," 16-year-old Emily messaged back. That was the last time her parents would hear from her.

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My Facebook Addiction Started With Curiosity

by ParentCo.

Consciously or not, we make a choice to give something up every time we log onto Facebook. What that something is might surprise you.

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Links We Love This Week (2/19/16)

by ParentCo.

You’ve been busy this week. Here’s our round up of the interesting parts of the internet.

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This Video of Kylo Ren Playing Flaming Bagpipes Will Make You Happy

by ParentCo.

Get yourself a fresh cup of coffee, watch this ridiculous video, and power through the rest of your day like the CHAMPION YOU ARE.

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These Toys Will Turn Your Kid Into the Next Tony Stark

by ParentCo.

So your kid wants to be a superhero? Here are some cool tech toys to get her started.

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Boys’ Attitudes Toward Sex Impacts the Kind of Father They’ll Be

by ParentCo.

Attitudes and behaviors of teen boys and young men impact the likeliness of becoming a teen or nonresident father.

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Designing Notabli’s Automatic Photo Books

by ParentCo.

A conversation with Notabli's design team about Automatic Photo Books, a new concept in photo printing designed for the unique needs of parents.

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Introducing Automatic Photo Books for Notabli

by ParentCo.

Making photo books of your kids’ moments shouldn’t be a chore. Notabli automatically sends a beautiful hardcover book every 50 photos.

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Epic Video of Dinosaur Riding Prancing Horse is the Best

by ParentCo.

C'mon, just trust me. You're gonna love this.

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Why Parents Need to be Cautious About Kik

by ParentCo.

What is Kik? And is it safe for our kids?

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19 Ways to Include Your Kids in Your Wedding

by ParentCo.

Over 50% of families are remarried. Many couples face wedding planning with kids in tow. Here's how to let them join in and feel included in the big day.

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Shifting Gears to Fully Appreciate the Gift

by ParentCo.

I'm embarrassed to admit that it sometimes makes me angry and irritable to have to shift gears from work to family.

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