What Science Says About Why Boys Are Fascinated With Trucks

by ParentCo.

Research suggests that testosterone is the reason boys are fascinated in trains, planes and automobiles. However, stereotypes should not be rules to follow.

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I Kinda Hate Kids' Toys

by ParentCo.

Like seagulls flying over a slag heap and diving for shiny trash, my kids prefer to play with the things they see lying discarded around the house.

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Family Playlist: Sunshine

by ParentCo.

Here's your sunshine-themed, family-friendly weekend soundtrack. Rock on, fam.

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What Causes Déjà Vu?

by ParentCo.

Episodes of déjà vu may be closely related to how memory is stored in the brain.

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School Vacations - An Exercise in Endurance

by Laura Richards

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Google Calendar Now Automatically Finds Time for You to Crush Your Goals

by ParentCo.

A new update to Google Calendar helps busy parents find time for more things that matters, like exercise and creative work.

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Why Do Babies Cry on Airplanes?

by ParentCo.

Babies do not cry on airplanes for the fun of it either. Nor do they cry, by and large, to let you know that their parents are neglectful or callous.

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"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up for New Parents" 

by ParentCo.

Best, then, to simplify into only two groups: onesies, and anything that is not a onesie.

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11 Summer Camps Parents Desperately Need to Be Real

by ParentCo.

Hey, kids! Welcome to Camp Holy Crap Please Just Learn How to Ride Your Bike Already! Activities include bike riding, wound dressing, and occasional crying.

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The Minecraft Generation

by ParentCo.

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My Love/Hate Relationship With T-Ball

by Kimberly Yavorski

When my daughter wanted to join a T-ball team, it sounded like fun.Then I discovered that I was expected to watch.

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Is It Possible to Tell if Your Child Will Become an Addict?

by ParentCo.

It's also often possible to predict a child's risk of future addiction, and there's strong evidence that some people are born more vulnerable.

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Kids start falling behind in science in kindergarten. Here's how we can change that.

by ParentCo.

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Here's How to Apologize Correctly

by ParentCo.

It's all about actually taking responsibility.

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Damn this is confusing: butter might be better for the heart after all

by ParentCo.

It's not be a health food, but researchers find evidence that replacing butter with vegetable oils does not decrease risk of heart disease.

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Math Teachers Should Encourage Their Students to Count Using Their Fingers in Class 

by ParentCo.

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Apps that invade kids’ privacy are "recipe for arrested development"

by ParentCo.

A parent’s desire to spy might have less to do with keeping kids safe, and more to do with a burning desire to lower his or her own anxiety.

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Things You Notice When You Have a Large Transracial Family

by ParentCo.

Sometimes I see a picture of us and think, “Shit, that’s a lot of kids. No wonder people do double takes when they see us.” Yes, I notice the double takes.

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A New App Is Answering Teens' Most Pressing Questions About Sex

by ParentCo.

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A Rule of Thumb to Improve Your Conversation Skills

by ParentCo.

A good rule of thumb is to ask two to three questions and then make a statement.

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How Family Dinners Promote Food Literate Kids

by ParentCo.

If you need a food mantra to keep you going, try this: make it yourself, eat it together.

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10 Things You'd Actually Be Excited to Find in Your Baby's Diaper

by ParentCo.

Ok, babies, enough with the poop already. Hook us up with something awesome, ok? Please?

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6 Ways My New York City Life Has Changed Since Having A Baby

by ParentCo.

Before I had a baby, I wasn't exactly one of those New Yorkers who searched Time Out for the latest openings. But even for this New Yorker, having a 10-month-old baby changes things.

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Shopping for a New School? Read These 6 Tips From a School Counselor.

by ParentCo.

Parents are gearing up for the next school year and starting the process of looking at potential middle and high schools for their child.

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