It's Time For Mad Men (And Women) to Stop Scorning the Stay-at-Home Mom

by ParentCo.

It’s been a year since "Mad Men" ended and I’m still thinking about poor Betty Draper – the ultimate cautionary tale for stay-at-home moms.

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Don’t Let Your Family’s Healthy Eating Take a Vacation This Summer

by ParentCo.

With summer vacation comes more ice cream, fried food, and soft drinks. Here are some helpful tips to keep your family eating healthily all summer long.

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When You Miss the Signs of Your Kid's Anxiety

by Mary Novaria

I missed the significance of the early signs, unaware that my daughter's sensitivity and shyness foreshadowed a severe anxiety disorder.

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Using a Healthy Lifestyle to Treat Kids with ADHD

by ParentCo.

A Canadian study found that after a 10-week physical training program, children with ADHD improved their muscular capacity and motor skills.

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Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

by ParentCo.

A clear and concise answer to the question: why do mosquito bites itch? Now we just need to figure out why we even need to have mosquitoes at all.

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Girls Who Experience Puberty Earlier at Higher Risk for Depression

by ParentCo.

What we found was the girls who had earlier breast development had a higher risk of depressive symptoms, or more depressive symptoms.

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tree house

Lessons Learned from a Tree House

by ParentCo.

When a treehouse building project becomes an opportunity for children to learn self-efficacy, resilience, and perseverance, everybody wins.

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The Last Times

by Laura Richards

We never know which moments in our kids' lives are "lasts." From nights in cribs, to nursing sessions, maybe we wouldn't choose to know even if we could.

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An Open Letter To The Mom With A Toddler And A Baby

by ParentCo.

Hang in there. It gets better.

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Please Stop Micromanaging the Grandparents

by ParentCo.

These are the memories of my grandma that I hold dear. The baking, the crosswords, the togetherness.

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For Many Families, Summer is a Difficult Financial Hardship

by ParentCo.

Summer is the moment that really epitomizes the child care crisis.

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How to Buy a Family Car on Craigslist

by ParentCo.

With a little legwork, Craigslist can be a great place to find your family car.

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20 Ways College Is Different Since 1996

by ParentCo.

I graduated from college 20 years ago; so before I send them o? into this oh so scary world of iPhones, electric cars, and Siri, there are a few things today's graduates need to know. And a host of things they'll never experience.

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You'll Marry the Wrong Person

by ParentCo.

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June 2016 Parenting Horoscopes

by ParentCo.

Enjoy this refreshing and effervescent mixed cocktail of helpfulness, humor, and astrology-lite. May your children be tolerable and your stars aligned.

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Aquarius June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Capricorn June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Pisces June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Sagittarius June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Scorpio June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Libra June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Cancer June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Leo June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Virgo June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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