The Things People Say: Musings of a Transracial Adoptive Mom

by ParentCo.

When people perceive that your kids look different than you, they take many liberties with comments and questions.

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daughter surprising her dad

10 Things Every Awesome Dad Does

by Stephen Bradshaw

Awesome dads make the world a better place and we need more of them.

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5 Ways Traveling With Kids Will Improve Your Marriage

by ParentCo.

There may be more yelling from the backseat than before, but traveling after having kids can deepen the bond between you and your spouse- if you let it.

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6 Reasons to Get Excited About Watching the Olympics with Kids

by ParentCo.

Sharing the excitement of the Olympic games with our kids presents a unique opportunity to teach them lessons in sportsmanship, dedication, and unity.

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9 Things I Want the Mom of My Son's Bully to Know

by Laura Richards

There's no excuse for bullying. But as parents, we should be able to respectfully discuss what happens between our kids.

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If Preschool Had a Yearbook, These Would Be The Superlatives

by ParentCo.

Sometimes it's clear pretty early on just who our kids are going to be when they grow up.

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Who Am I and What Do I Want to Be Now That I'm Grown Up?

by Kimberly Yavorski

Eventually kids grow up and we find our way back to the pieces of ourselves we've lost along the way.

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It's Never Okay to Shame Your Child

by ParentCo.

It's not just teens who go overboard when it comes to social media. Parents who leverage things like FB Live to dole out punishment should reign it in too.

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How the Next Super Bug Might Be Defeated by Your Nose

by ParentCo.

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An Apology to Parents From a Teacher Who Didn't Know

by Fiona Tapp

There's no question that teachers understand children. But until becoming one, it's impossible to understand mothers.

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Trying to Keep It All Together: One Mother's Morning

by ParentCo.

With each new sun rising, I feel as though I’m being ripped apart. I keep trying to be too many different personas trapped inside one body.

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The Sandwich Generation: On Being the Bologna

by Jill Kiedaisch

I am a shelf-stable slab of bologna smashed between my kids and my parents, my work and my family, desire and ease, youth and old age.

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When Your Child's Challenging Personality Leaves You Feeling Isolated

by ParentCo.

I'll play the role of designated driver, and sometimes I have to excuse my miniature “drunk” date and take him home.

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Too Much Beer Can Be The Reason For Your Man-Boobs

by ParentCo.

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New Software Helps Families & Doctors Treating ADHD

by ParentCo.

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Hypnotherapist Uses Her Craft as A Parenting Tool

by ParentCo.

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Why Did Some Parents Think a Baby Cage Was Ok?

by ParentCo.

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You're Wrong! Why Parents Need to Argue More

by ParentCo.

If we want to teach our children to think independently and have respect for others’ opinions, we need to start having more productive conversations

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What Bedrooms Say About Love: Observations From Cleaning Houses

by ParentCo.

As a former house cleaner, I've stepped into many homes. The routine was similar in each house, but every bedroom had a uniquely powerful energy.

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Show More Skin, Be More Popular. Sad But True?

by ParentCo.

The stakes these days are high when it comes to the photos our teens take and share on social media.

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9 Statistics-Backed Ways American Parents Are Getting It Right

by ParentCo.

Many American parents feel dazed, confused, and filled with self-doubt, wondering if we’re doing it all wrong. Turns out, we're not.

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Is Parental Involvement Overrated?

by ParentCo.

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Helping Kids Sleep Better

by ParentCo.

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5 Tips for Your New Backyard Chickens – Maybe?

by ParentCo.

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