Survival and Family: Perspective on Stress From the Third World

by ParentCo.

Marriage, family, and stress all hold a different weight when the struggle to simply survive is a day-to-day affair.

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My Son Can't Walk and That's Fine With Me

by ParentCo.

When my four-year-old doesn't see his wheelchair as a disadvantage, why should I?

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To the Well-Meaning Strangers When My Son is Behaving Badly

by ParentCo.

When a toddler is having a public meltdown the input of strangers is pretty much the last thing any mom is looking for.

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Reading Books Can Lengthen Your Life?

by ParentCo.

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Good This Happen When you Read Real Books to Your Kids

by ParentCo.

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A New Diagnosis: "Gestational Sleep Apnea"

by ParentCo.

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When a Game of Catch Becomes a Conversation Between Mother and Son

by ParentCo.

Sussing out the needs of your introverted kid sometimes means quietly letting them take the lead.

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The Magical, Magnetic Attraction of Twins

by ParentCo.

Observing the bond between twins, it's hard not to feel as though you're witnessing something magical.

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The 12 Stages of Naming Your Child

by ParentCo.

You made a human. Now comes the hard. Part. Figuring out what to name them.

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My Kids Don't Call Me Mom

by ParentCo.

Mom is the one who drives to meets, packs the snacks, and bleaches the baseball pants. But mama is the forehead kisser, band-aid applier, and story-teller.

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5 Ways to Kill Time When Bonding With Your Newborn

by Jared Bilski

Don't get me wrong. This new baby is magical and fascinating. But so is the Grand Canyon. And you can only stare at something for so long.

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Pushing Our Kids to Persevere When All They Want to Do Is Quit

by ParentCo.

It's not easy to push our kids out of their comfort zone. But encouraging them to keep going when they want to throw in the towel is part of the job.

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Maybe I Had a Baby to Teach My Husband How to Clean

by ParentCo.

Bringing a baby into the picture rearranged the division of labor in our house. And frankly, it was about time.

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8 Ways Being a Mother is Like Being an Olympic Athlete

by ParentCo.

Patience, dedication, and a whole lot of hard work. Motherhood may just be the ultimate Olympic sport.

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I'm Relieved My Biracial Daughter Looks More White Than Black

by ParentCo.

A white mother reflects on the conflicting feelings of privilege that stem from the relief her bi-racial daughter's skin looks more like hers.

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Finding Community in a Pile of Plastic Containers

by ParentCo.

The pile of plastic containers, ziploc bags, and tupperware tell the story of a community that nurtured us as new parents. Now it's time to return the love.

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Breast-Fed Babies May Have Longer DNA Telomeres

by ParentCo.

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Dogs Help De-Stress Families With Autistic Children

by ParentCo.

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"Boomerang Father" Better Than Nothing for Teen Girls Depression

by ParentCo.

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How About Painted Rocks Instead of Pokemon Go?

by ParentCo.

How one county in Washington is beautifying their community and bringing joy to unsuspecting walkers, hikers, and adventurers with art.

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Step Up, Parents: Schools Won’t Teach Your Kids This Valuable Skill

by ParentCo.

For some kids, success comes early and easily. But once middle school hits and the stakes are higher, developing study skills is a must.

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7 Things Healthy Couples Don’t Do

by Stephen Bradshaw

Everyone wants to be with someone who respects and admires them. Avoiding these behaviors is a good start.

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asian boy in bed

Why My Three-Year-Old Had to Be Circumcised

by ParentCo.

Phimosis, a rare condition characterized by an inadequate opening in the foreskin, caused repeated infections and necessitated a circumcision at three years old.

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No Olympic Dreams, But No Quitting Either

by ParentCo.

A gymnast and her mother realize together that a stated desire to quit isn't necessarily the opposite of wanting to do well.

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