da ParentCo.
Here’s what you can do to help if you suspect that one of your kids' friends is being abused. A grim but incredibly important topic.
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da ParentCo.
Seriously. When are these people getting jobs and moving out of my damn house?
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da ParentCo.
Common Sense Media just published something incredible: the clearest view yet of how kids aged 8 to 18 in the US use the full range of media and technology.
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da ParentCo.
Proven steps that help busy parents pursue their creative calling without sacrificing sanity or family.
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da ParentCo.
Beyoncé was right: I’m not ready for that jelly, and neither is my pre-tween son.
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da ParentCo.
We preach about the success factors of flexibility, resiliency, and self-control, but we rarely let our kids practice those skills in their daily lives.
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da ParentCo.
Raising a human being tests the limits of your capabilities beyond what the tallest mountain in the world can offer. You can’t top that.
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da ParentCo.
Ideas for helping kids stay safe while practicing compassion in tricky situations.
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da ParentCo.
A perspective on the surprisingly controversial topic of paid parental leave in the US, from a mother who has experienced it from multiple angles.
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da ParentCo.
Se chiedo a 100 persone cosa pensano del controllo, 99,5 sussurreranno "Sono un maniaco del controllo", come se fosse una cosa negativa. Personalmente, accolgo e celebro la mia natura di "maniaco del controllo". Perché? Perché la verità è che essere un maniaco del controllo non è il problema.
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da ParentCo.
Ci sono poche sere della settimana che apprezzo di più dell'appuntamento settimanale di mio marito con il "pacchetto papà".
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