Scorpio (October 22 - November 21): Why you gotta smell so good and look so fine all the time, Scorpio? Those bright eyes, that air of mystery, the attention to detail. If the zodiac was a bar, yo...
Libra (September 22 - October 22): If the zodiac was The Love Boat, youd be the cruise director, Julie McCoy. You know what people need, when they need it, and how to help them get it. Youre exc...
Cancer (June 20 - July 22): You love home so much youd think Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros wrote their biggest hit about this astrological sign. Of course, the point of that song is that...
Leo (July 22 - August 22): If a combination craft store / library / sex toy shop had any market viability, you could thrive in that business. Art, ideas, performance, romance these are a few of ...
Virgo (August 22 - September 22): Virgo, if the zodiac was a cartoon, youd be Curious George. Youre interested in everything, and youll wander off following the things you want to understand, an...
Aries (March 20 - April 19): If you had little baby triplets, you could name them: Verve. Vivacity. Vitality. Because thats what you have, Aries. Youre a life-lover, hungry for success, fueled b...
Taurus (April 19 - May 20): If the Zodiac was a corporation, youd be the CFO. Your workspace would be a big comfortable corner office with one helluva a view of the galaxy. Youd probably even hav...
Your Latte Habit Isn't the Reason for Your Financial Woes
Just under half of us are living paycheck-to-paycheck existences at least some of the time.
Kids Need Active Free Play for Healthy Bodies
A conversation with pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom about the many benefits of "active free play" for kids - especially in in nature.
What a Little Attention Can Do: My Momover Experiment, Week 2
The second installment of an experiment to see what happens when I radically up my grooming game with a momover.
The Stereotypical Medicated Kid in America Isn't Who You Think
Children in poor families are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with emotional and behavioral problems.
Technology Hijacks Our Minds, Here's How
News feeds are purposely designed to auto-refill with reasons to keep you scrolling, and purposely eliminate any reason for you to pause, reconsider or leave.
Minimalism is the Desire for Less to Enjoy More
Experiences are better than things. A simpler lifestyle provides freedom to enjoy family, give generously, and spend on travelling and memory making.
Lower Incidence of Diabetes and Obesity in Walkable Neighborhoods
"Walking, cycling and public transit rates were much higher in walkable neighborhoods, and that leads to better health outcomes.
10 Science-Backed Benefits of Practicing Gratitude With Kids
When people engage in gratitude, they experience measurable psychological and physical benefits. Dont you want to give this gift to your children?
How to Beat Death, According to 75 Years of Harvard Research
Want to live forever? Science hasn't quite cracked that one yet, but a group of Harvard researchers has figured out how to give you the best possible shot.
Support From Family and Friends Helps Prevent Depression in Teenagers
The importance of friendships and family support in helping prevent depression among teenagers has been highlighted in research from the University of Cambridge.
Super Moms Are Ruining My Life
I was feeling inadequate because my parenting skills aren't up to the perfect Pinterest standard. But my kids are safe, they have fun, and they are loved.
Sweden's Universal Child Benefit Substantially Reduces Childhood Poverty
The best rationale for universal child benefits is that they substantially reduce child poverty.
Maybe Breakfast Isn't the Most Important Meal After All
If youre hungry, eat it. But dont feel bad if youd rather skip it, and dont listen to those who lecture you. Breakfast has no mystical powers.
1.4 Million American Children Serve as Caregivers for Siblings or Elders, How Do We Support Them?
As many as 1.4 million American children from ages 8 to 18 care for a parent, grandparent or sibling with a disability or illness.
I Let My Kids Play with Knives
When did we become so preoccupied with safety that we forgot to let our kids live in the real world? Or are we simply focused on the perception of safety?
Your Busy Schedule May Help Keep Your Memory Sharp as You Age
All that hustling may translate into superior brain power as you get older, as a study finds that the busiest people perform best on cognitive tests.
Burden of Student Loans Linked to Lower Net Worth After College
People who had outstanding balances on their student loans when they graduated or dropped out of college had lower net worth, fewer financial and non-financial assets, and homes with lower market v...