A child learns about acceptable and unacceptable behavior by observing the people around him/her. What lessons can you learn from behavior modification?
As a child of Old-school parents, I can tell you first hand, they don’t ‘play.’ These parents did not mess around where it came to disciplining their children.
If there are any parents reading this who are appalled by their kid’s behavior, I've compiled a list of universal infractions to help you understand that all kids are gross.
This morning I received a reminder text from my son’s school that Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled next week. Thankfully, it's not my first rodeo.
In a world full of messages of the ‘only lonely,’ we can be made to feel we are somehow doing something wrong by making the decision to have an only child.
How do we create a more compassionate world for our children? We can start by practicing mindfulness and compassion in our own homes and relationships.
I’ve always been a breastfeeding advocate, it wasn’t until my freezer began to overflow with milk that I started to learn the ins-and-outs of long term milk donation.
Praise only lasts as long as it is being given, and we often see that without it, kids are not motivated to do the things for which they were once praised.
Feeding into a kid's imagination fosters creativity – but it does more than that. You can use their imagination to get them to do almost anything you want.
After years of fighting my shyness, I thought I had come to a happy medium, but two new issues arose that challenged my inner introvert: Parenting and Politics.