To the Mothers: Your Efforts Never Go Unnoticed

by ParentCo.

The work of mothers never ends. The hours are long, the circumstances nearly impossible. We see you out there, mamas. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

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One Woman's Story of Being a Parent and an Addict

by ParentCo.

Like Prince and the millions of Americans who take prescription painkillers every year, I began taking them for their intended purpose: I was in pain.

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It's Time For Mad Men (And Women) to Stop Scorning the Stay-at-Home Mom

by ParentCo.

It’s been a year since "Mad Men" ended and I’m still thinking about poor Betty Draper – the ultimate cautionary tale for stay-at-home moms.

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buying with smartphone

10 People Who Are My Everyday Heroes as a Parent of Young Kids

by ParentCo.

As a parent, I rely on the daily help of many people who likely see themselves as doing nothing extraordinary. Thank you, everyday heroes.

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9 Caddyshack Quotes I Use Everyday as a Dad

by ParentCo.

Parenting is such a roller coaster ride. There are times when we need to be serious, times when I need to teach my boys, and a time to laugh.

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The Bad Handwriting Is On the Wall    

by ParentCo.

Some people call me Visa or Lira or Lina. My name isn't difficult to pronounce; my handwriting is impossible to read.

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The Ones We Wanted to Stay

by ParentCo.

We can do this, all of us who’ve lost the ones we wanted so badly to stay. We can keep them alive, we can introduce them to our children, we can carry them in our stories.

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8 New Tina Fey-Inspired Words For Your Parenting Dictionary

by ParentCo.

Oversharenting, Dad-bod, manny, mommy-jacking- it seems like everyday, someone is creating a new word for parents to add to their lexicon. I have no use for any of them - so I invented my own.

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Celebrating Family Trips to a Favorite Bookstore

by ParentCo.

The human connection can be seen in every part of a bookstore; there is so much more that happens beyond buying a book.

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In Defense of Caillou

by Rebecca Lang

Parents loathe Caillou, and I'm no different. But while his issues are banal to adults, and his whining maddening, to toddlers he's a comforting retreat.

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female teacher sitting at desk and writing in classroom

This Is How We Can Appreciate Our Teachers Everyday

by Carrie Howe

Here are facts to share next time you hear someone say that teachers "have it easy," are "overpaid," or are "never fired."

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Brooklyn-Based Tween Garage Band Lives Our Rockstar Dreams

by ParentCo.

Formed by a handful of 11-year-old musicians bursting at the seams with high-energy, creativity, and passion for rock, funk, and ska music.

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Missing 100 Days of School. A True Story. 

by ParentCo.

Missing 100 days of school should have pointed toward the end of the story, but instead it was only the beginning.

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Rare Photos of 19 Year Old Prince on the Verge of Superstardom

by ParentCo.

Awesome photos of 19 year old Prince taken outside Minneapolis’ Old Schmitt Music Headquarters in 1977 by photographer Robert Whitman.

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Harriet Tubman Will Replace Jackson on Front of $20 Bill

by ParentCo.

Treasury is likely to ask the Federal Reserve to speed the process ... and get the bills into circulation as quickly as possible.

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The Tender Notes Left With Orphaned Babies

by ParentCo.

A collection of notes found with orphaned babies is an intimate glimpse into impossible decisions and broken hearts.

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Google Calendar Now Automatically Finds Time for You to Crush Your Goals

by ParentCo.

A new update to Google Calendar helps busy parents find time for more things that matters, like exercise and creative work.

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Jordan Spieth Must Have Awesome Parents

by ParentCo.

Golf is the ultimate individual sport. It’s all on you. There’s nobody to blame but yourself when it’s not going your way.

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The Top 4 Clues Your Kid Will Be a Great 21st Century Leader

by ParentCo.

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10 Big Lebowski Quotes That Will Help You Parent, Man

by ParentCo.

Dude. Sometimes in parenting, it's easier to abide than it is to struggle.

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Virgo April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Pisces April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

You’re an intuitive, connection-making, emotional – um – fish. You’re a fish.

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Capricorn April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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Aquarius April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo.

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